Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Can I Join Now?

I got some Chacos today.
All year I watched all my cool friends walk around in theirs, but until now I felt like one of those things in a Dr. Seuss book that didn't have a star on his belly. But now it's like I created a star making machine and stuck one right on. Does this mean I get to be a part of the secret society of Chaco wearers? Does it even exist?
I have heard rumors of people getting better seats on buses, lower interest loans at the bank, even free drinks at restaurants all because of their sporty sandals. So will I too receive special treatment? This morning when I walked into the grocery store, a woman behind a register looked at me and whispered something into her sleeve. Later when I was picking out some fresh produce I realized that I hadn't grabbed a cart. But when I looked down a cart rolled up and no one was there pushing it. Coincidence? I think not.

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